Thursday, March 5, 2009

Little Chef

Yesterday was Avery's first Little Chef class. She was a little shy at first to see her teacher again, but warmed up really quickly and was excited to tell Miss Stephanie that she had turned 3, had her friends over for a party, and had a Tinkerbell party.

The kids made tortillas with refried beans, cheese, and then made faces using sliced olives. I have served Avery refried beans on numerous occasions and she never eats them, but today at cooking class she went to town on them and even licked the spoon off that she was using to spread them on. She still didn't go for the olives though.

After that they made 'bugs' using bananas, pretzels, peaches, and mandarin oranges. They also used peanut butter to 'glue' on some chocolate chips for a face and decorations. Avery ate a ton of everything and had a great time putting hers together. Something new that Avery did today: She sang while she cooked. As she was assembling her items she was singing 'Lay All Your Love On Me' from the Mama Mia soundtrack and then later on she launched into 'Super Trouper.'

Last night when Avery was saying the dinner prayer she said "Thank you for my cooking class." It was so cute! I looked at Al and he had a big grin on his face.

The picture of Al is one that Avery took yesterday by herself. I think she did a pretty good job!