Thursday, September 10, 2009

Cute Project

Avery brought home the cutest project today from preschool. They studied the letter B this week and bugs. Last week was A and apples. Every day Avery brings home a fun little project and poem about a lady bug or whatever. On Tuesday when she came home Avery told me that she had to leave her caterpillar at school. I didn't really know what she was talking about, but told her that maybe she'd get to bring it home the next day.

On Wednesday Avery came home and told me that her caterpillar was in a cocoon and when it came out it would be a butterfly. I still didn't really understand what she meant by 'her caterpillar' but liked that she was explaining the life cycle to me.

So today I dropped off Avery and picked up Callen to babysit. Miss Annie was changing Callen when I got there and so I waited in their entry way for a little bit. I just happened to look up to the loft and could see a row of brown lunch bags hanging from the line that Miss Annie has strung up there. Then it dawned on me. I asked Annie if the brown bags were the cocoons. She said they were and that the butterflies were ready to hatch.

When I picked up Avery today she was SO excited to show me her butterfly. The first day they had made the caterpillar out of the egg carton. Then on the second day they crumbled up the brown lunch bags to make them crinkly and soft and put their caterpillars inside the bags. They also water-colored and cut out the wings. Miss Annie attached the wings to the caterpillars last night and then put the butterfly back in the cocoon, and so when the kids opened the cocoons today they got to pull out a butterfly.

Avery just loves her butterfly and has given it a name...although I don't really understand the name and so I can't type it here. And she LOVES preschool. Yesterday when I went to pick her up she said, "Mom, why did you come and get me?" I don't know if I should be happy or sad!


Anonymous said...

THAT is an absolutely ADORABLE teaching idea todo with the kids! Brilliant!

John and Lara said...

That is the coolest idea ever!!!! What a good teacher. Kaysen seems pretty disapointed sometimes when i get him too. He'll say things like "No not you!!!" and "I told you to get me late" I like to think that he just really likes school and not that I am a bad mom.