Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Onion

This morning while I was getting dinner ready to put in the oven Avery came in the kitchen. She wanted to see what I was doing and so I put her up on the counter so she could watch and we could chat.

When I pulled the onion out Avery got really excited and yelled out, "Yummy, yummy Onion! Onion!!" and then I started to cut it into rings. She said, "Want a bite of onion!" I told her that the onion was 'too hot' and that she might not like it very much. She just kind of shrugged that off.

Then when I looked back at her a couple of minutes later she was holding a piece of onion in front of herself and I watched as she started licking the onion. I waited for a big response on that but all she said was, "Mmmm."

I put the rest of the onions in the pot and while I was doing that Avery said, "The onion made me sad."

I looked up at Avery and her eyes were streaming tears from the onion. It was so cute and so funny! I just love the way she expressed what was happening as a result of licking the onion. What a cutie!!


nyn said...

That is so cute. I love when kids say things like that. I am impressed she wanted to eat an onion.