Monday, February 4, 2008

In the Bed

Tonight, on the eve of her 2nd birthday, Avery decided she didn't want to sleep in the crib anymore.

Avery had a rough afternoon and I was pretty much ready to put her to bed at about 4:00, but we toughed it out until almost 7:00. By that time we figured it was not so unreasonable and she hopefully wouldn't wake up too early tomorrow morning.
About thirty minutes later I could still hear Avery whimpering/babbling up in her room. Al went and got her and was laying on one of the twin beds with her, trying to calm her down. Avery started calling out, "Mama! Mama!" and so I went in the room. I hugged her for a little bit and then told her it was time to go to sleep. I headed with her towards the crib and then she said, "In the bed" and pointed to the bed. So I said, "Do you want to sleep in the crib or in the bed?" She repeated, "bed."

Al and I looked at each other, shrugged, and pulled down the covers of the twin bed. We layed her in and she snuggled right up on the pillow. Al and I went downstairs and turned on the monitor. It was silent. After a while I went and peeked into her room. Avery was fast asleep, in the bed, just like she wanted.
She is such a big girl. I am sad!


John and Lara said...

Isn't it a sad day when they decide they are all grown up. Kaysen started climbing out of the crib right before his 2nd birthday too and started sleeping in his toddler bed. He is now in a twin big boy bed. Man time goes by so fast. Happy birthday to Avery!