Sunday, February 13, 2011

Avery's Birthday Party

Avery had a Tangled birthday party the day before her actual birthday. It was great having my mom there to help with the party. It was so nice to have an extra pair of hands to help pour drinks, pass things out, etc. My mom had flown in late Tuesday night and upon arrival gave Avery this Rapunzel dress. I knew that Avery would want to wear it to her party. She's always one for dressing up :)

Avery invited 7 little girls from church and pre-K. They are a cute little bunch and were all so excited for the party. It was so cute to watch them all bouncing up and down in excitement, being gracious, etc. We started the party off with pizza and a sprite/fruit punch combo that Avery requested. While the kids were eating their pizza and visiting my mom and I hid tons of little jewels around the family room so that the girls could go on a gem hunt. After they were all done eating I passed out their party favor bags to collect their jewels in. I told the little girls that they were searching for gems and the ooh-ing and ahh-ing began. Little girls love sparkly things so much! They all wanted to know if they could keep the was a big concern :) After all of the gems were found we moved on to a pinata. Avery had a pinata shaped like a tiara that was pink and silver with streamers. The girls each got several turns to hit the pinata and then I finally did the honors and cracked it open. Then the girls stuffed the candy in the favor bags along with their gems. The bags were bulging at this point!

Then we moved onto a game of pass the tiara. The girls played along to the music from Tangled and if the music stopped when they were holding the tiara they won a prize. I found these tiny water coloring sets at the Party Store for $0.50 each and since Rapunzel paints so much in the movie I thought it would be the perfect favor. When everybody had had a turn to win we switched to playing musical chairs. The girls each won a set of hair elastics.

After all the games were finished we sang to Avery and had cake. Then on to presents. The little girls were so excited for the presents too, and huddled around Avery in a big mass. Then the girls got to color a picture of Pascal, the little chameleon from the movie. Afterward they could cute out the chameleon and tape it together so that it could sit on their shoulder.

Later that night we picked up my dad from the airport. He was supposed to fly in the night before, but the entire city completely shut down due to 'possible' snow/ice. A 20% chance of less than .1 inch accumulation to be exact. So that took a day away from his trip here. To be fair...Texas isn't really used to dealing with super cold weather, etc. And so the worrying sets in. The kids were excited to see him when he finally got here though and James couldn't wait to show him all of his cars.

We waited and did our family celebration on the 5th, Avery's real birthday. My parents took us to see the movie Tangled in the theater and then that night we went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner-- Avery's choice. After a great big dinner we came home for more cake and ice cream. Avery picked strawberry ice cream and mint chocolate chip (it's green, hence Avery's favorite flavor) and then on to pajamas and present opening from the grandparents and mommy, daddy, and James. I would think all in all she had a pretty fantastic birthday.


Leslee said...

The party sounds so cute and fun!! No wonder Summy had a blast! Happy Birthday Avery!