Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I Just Remembered...

I was driving home from the grocery store today and I remembered something that happened in Arizona while we were there a month ago. This is one of my all time favorite Avery stories. I'm not sure what sparked it in my memory today, but here you go:

After we landed at the Phoenix airport we reunited with Al's mom and one of his sisters (Sarah) and our niece Hannah. We got all of our luggage and then we had to board a mini-bus to take us to the rental car place. We got all of our stuff on board and all kind of collapsed in our seats, enjoying the air-conditioning. I was holding Avery on my lap and had turned to my right, towards Sarah and Louona (Al's mom) so that we could catch up on everything.

After a few minutes I became aware of a repetitive motion out of my peripheral vision. I looked down and saw Avery's arm moving back and forth in a stroking motion. I thought, huh, that's weird. What is she doing? Then I looked to my left and saw an older man sitting next to me. We kind of made eye contact and then I looked down and saw that he had super thick and burly arm hair....and Avery was petting it!!!

My little girl was petting some strange guy's arm hair!!! I quickly snatched her hand up and looked back up at the guy. I just kind of mumbled, 'sorry.' A couple of seconds passed and then he said, "Well, it's okay. I have grandkids so it's not a big deal." So here this guy has been, patiently sitting there, letting Avery stroke his arm for who knows how long, before her distracted mom clued in on things.

I could feel my face getting all flushed and then I had to turn to Sarah and tell her what was happening. I quickly whispered to her what had happened and then we got the giggles. But we didn't want that guy to know we were laughing. It was like trying to suppress laughter in the middle of sacrament meeting. Good times.

The picture is of Avery doing her Donald Duck impersonation. I think I mentioned it in the post the either day. She did a repeat performance and so I ran and got the camera.


Clark Family said...

Oh my, I love the Avery stories! She is so funny and cute!

nyn said...

LOL!! I don't know how you managed not to laugh. I would have lost it for sure. This is hilarious.

John and Lara said...

That is so funny! Laura told this story and I had to get online and read it for myself. Avery has the best stories of all time.

John and Lara said...

Oh I wish she would have said something like "Pretty Kitty" or "Puppy"!

Sarah said...

I had to read it again...and it made me laugh once again! I think it always will ;)