Wednesday, October 5, 2011

We are having a...


We are very excited :)

I took Avery to the ultrasound with me this morning. Yesterday morning she was nearly in tears saying she didn't want another brother, so I was a little worried about how today was going to go.

Avery had a paper she had made that had a box labeled boy and a box labeled girl and she was all prepared with a pen to mark the correct box when the time came. The ultrasound tech was great at explaining everything that she was looking at. They have a big flatscreen on the opposite wall so it was nice to see everything on the big screen instead of craning my neck to look at the little computer. The baby is developing perfectly and measured just 1 day ahead of the estimated due date, so he is growing right on schedule and weighs almost a pound :)

When it came time for the gender reveal Avery was hopping from one foot to the other, barely containing herself. When the tech told us it was a boy Avery started jumping up and down and exclaiming, "It's a boy! It's a boy!" And then she marked the right box on her paper :)

When we left the ultrasound room Avery told everybody in the hallway, "We're having a boy!!" And of course, everybody smiles back and says congratulations. Then Avery said to me, "Mom, I always wanted it to be a boy." Ha ha ha! Well, good! She did say she was upset she wouldn't get to share her room with the baby. I told her she was probably the only person I knew that was upset about not sharing a room!

I texted Al immediately. He had tried to get the day off, but it wasn't in the cards. Right before I went in to the ultrasound he had texted me saying he was in the OR, so I knew I wouldn't be able to call him. I just texted him, "Little DANE looks healthy and perfect, measuring just 1 day ahead of due date." He ended up calling a couple of hours later. He scrubbed out of his surgery because he just couldn't wait any longer and he said that everybody in the OR was so excited too. I didn't get to talk to him for long because he had to go scrub back in, but it was good to hear from him.

We will be naming our little guy DANE WILLIAM TANNER. Al and I both love the name and are so very excited.


Karen said...

Congrats! That's exciting! I love the name too...very cute and very "shaw" (the D.W.) I feel like everyone around me is having boys!!!

Jessie said...

YAY!! I love that Conner will have so many boy cousins to hang out with! Congratulations you guys. We are so excited for you! Can't wait to meet little Dane!

Marci said...

How fun to have another baby boy coming to your family .
And fun for Avery to be there and be soo excited. Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy!

Loni said...

Congrats Jenny! Your family is shaping up just the way mine was when I was growing up. I'm the oldest followed by two boys, then a girl and another boy.

And the name you picked out is so cute!

Heather said...

I am SO excited for you!! Yea!! I am so glad he is healthy. The whole I'm-in-surgery-and-can't-talk-but-send-me-a-text-and-I'll-call-you-two-hours-later thing sounds all too familiar. ;) I'm glad Avery got to go with you, though. I like how she checked her box. That is exactly what Em would do.